
As a part of the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna, the Vienna Advertising and Media Psychology (AdMe) Research Group deals with the impact of modern media environments on people's thinking, behavior, and opinions. The research focus of our group includes areas such as marketing communication, advertising effectiveness, hybrid forms of advertising, political advertising, as well as the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral effects of mass media more generally. Working with quantitative and qualitative social science methods, we integrate scholarship from communication science, social psychology, political science, and marketing.



  • March 24, 2025
    Another new AdMe member! We are delighted to welcome Tamás Tóth, who joined us today as a Senior Scientist. Tamás studied Communication Science (BA) and Communication and Media Studies (MA) at the Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary. In 2021, he completed his doctoral studies in political communication and populism studies at the Corvinus University of Budapest. In the recent past, he has been conducting research at the Ludovika University of Public Service as well as the McDaniel College Budapest. 

    Welcome to Vienna and AdMe, dear Tamás!
  • March 17, 2025
    New AdMe member! We are super happy to welcome Aleksandra Lazić within our group as a predoctoral researcher. Aleksandra studied Journalism and Communication Science at our Department and completed her master studies in 2024.

    A very warm welcome to our research group, dear Aleksandra!
  • March 13, 2025
    Two articles published!
    Digital Journalism just released Andreas Nanz', Ruta Kaskeleviciute's, Marlis Stubenvoll's, and Jörg Matthes's research entitled Scanning vs. thorough processing the news: Antecedents of first- and second-level incidental exposure and the role of the relevance appraisal (doi:10.1080/21670811.2025.2472313).

    Further, the article Too much of what? Two-wave panel evidence for selective (de-)sensitization through frequent exposure to different kinds of digital hate (doi:10.1093/jcmc/zmaf002) by Rinat Meerson, Kevin Koban, and Jörg Matthes is now accessible and published in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
  • March 2, 2025
    New AdMe member!
    We are delighted to welcome Diana Kostikova within our ranks. Since March 1, she supports our Horizon Europe-funded project ENCODE as predoctoral researcher.
    Prior to joining AdMe, Diana studied Political Science and World Politics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in St. Petersburg, Russia. Upon finalizing her Bachelor studies, she moved to Vienna and studied Political Science (MA: 2024) at Central European University (CEU).

    A very warm welcome to our research group, dear Diana!
  • February 20, 2025
    The dates and topics of this semester's research colloquium are now available. As usual, we invite everyone to join us on interesting debates. Please also check who's given a talk at our colloquium in the past years.
  • February 16, 2025
    Top AdMe job placement! Melanie Hirsch, who has been an integral part of our team since 2019, follows her former colleagues Marlis Stubenvoll and Selina Noetzel and just joined the Department of Media and Communications of the University of Klagenfurt (Austria) as a Senior Scientist.

    Prior to becoming an AdMe member, Melanie studied Translation Studies as well as Political Science at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. In 2019, she completed our English-speaking Master Program in Communication Science and commenced her doctoral studies in August 2019 under the supervision of Jörg Matthes. In February 2024, she defended her thesis entitled Political and issue fit of targeted political advertising on social media: Perceptions, evaluations, and behavioral intentions with distinction ("summa cum laude"). Since March 2024, she was working as a Senior Scientist within our team.

    Congratulations, dear Melanie! We wish you all the best for your personal and academic future.
  • February 16, 2025
    Another paper published! The article The relationship between incidental news exposure and political participation: A cross-country, multilevel analysis (doi:10.1080/21670811.2024.2436548) by a group of authors led by Jörg Matthes just appeared in Digital Journalism.
  • February 7, 2025
    Top Dissertation Award!
    We are very proud to announce that at the Etmaal 2025 conference in Bruges, Belgium, Sofie Vranken received the NeFCA Dissertation Award 2023 by the Netherlands | Flanders Communication Association. Sofie defended her dissertation entitled Disentangling alcohol-related social media effects: A mixed-method approach to explore the role of different socialization agents and different social media message types at KU Leuven supervised by Kathleen Beullens with distinction in October 2023.

    Congrats, dear Sofie!