
As a part of the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna, the Vienna Advertising and Media Psychology (AdMe) Research Group deals with the impact of modern media environments on people's thinking, behavior, and opinions. The research focus of our group includes areas such as marketing communication, advertising effectiveness, hybrid forms of advertising, political advertising, as well as the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral effects of mass media more generally. Working with quantitative and qualitative social science methods, we integrate scholarship from communication science, social psychology, political science, and marketing.



  • June 25, 2024
    Top Paper Awards at ICA! We received a total of five Top Paper Awards for our work presented at this year's ICA Annual Conference, which was held at Gold Coast (Australia) during the last few days.
    • Top Paper Award
      Title: Four eyes, two truths: Explaining heterogeneity in perceived severity of digital hate against immigrants
      Authors: Thomas Kirchmair, Kevin Koban, & Jörg Matthes
      Divison: Information Systems
    • Top Student-led Paper Award
      Title: Cognitive effects of political microtargeting: An eye tracking study
      Authors: Selina Noetzel, Alice Binder, & Jörg Matthes
      Division: Political Communication
    • Top Four Faculty Paper Award
      Title: Sexting-related privacy management: Who cares and how?
      Authors: Marina F. Thomas, Alice Binder, & Jörg Matthes
      Division: Interpersonal Communication
    • Top Four Faculty Paper Award
      Title: Sharing is caring: The positive role of smartphone co-use in social dynamics
      Authors: Anja Stevic & Anneleen Meeus
      Division: Mobile Communication
    • Top Four Student Paper Award
      Title: Digital hate from targets' perception: A scoping review of recent research
      Authors: Maryam Khaleghipour, Kevin Koban, & Jörg Matthes
      Division: Interpersonal Communication
  • June 14, 2024
    New publication out now! Isabelle Freiling's and Jörg Matthes's work on Redefining the boundaries of citizen social science to avoid a repackaging of common social science methods (doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102627) was now released in Technology in Society.
  • June 7, 2024
    New AdMe position!
    We are currently looking to fill the position of a postdoctoral researcher within our team. If you are interested in joining us, please check the University of Vienna's Recruiting Portal for further details.
  • June 6, 2024
    More publications! Two more papers of our group have been published in Computers in Human Behavior and JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, respectively.
    • Matthes, J., Binder, A., Naderer, B., Forrai, M., Spielvogel, I., Knupfer, H., & Saumer, M. (2024). Effects of food depictions in entertainment media on children's unhealthy food preferences: Content analysis linked with panel data. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 7, 51429. https://doi.org/10.2196/51429
    • Bührer, S., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2024). The WWW of digital hate perpetration: What, who, and why? A scoping review. Computers in Human Behavior, 159, 108321. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2024.108321
  • June 3, 2024
    New AdMe members! We are very happy to welcome Vanessa Bengtsson and Enese Ágnes Daróczi within our ranks, who will support our ERC-funded project Digital Hate: Perpetrators, Audiences, and (Dis)Empowered Targets (DIGIHATE) as research assistants.
    A very warm welcome to AdMe, dear both!