• June 25, 2024
    Top Paper Awards at ICA! We received a total of five Top Paper Awards for our work presented at this year's ICA Annual Conference, which was held at Gold Coast (Australia) during the last few days.
    • Top Paper Award
      Title: Four eyes, two truths: Explaining heterogeneity in perceived severity of digital hate against immigrants
      Authors: Thomas Kirchmair, Kevin Koban, & Jörg Matthes
      Divison: Information Systems
    • Top Student-led Paper Award
      Title: Cognitive effects of political microtargeting: An eye tracking study
      Authors: Selina Noetzel, Alice Binder, & Jörg Matthes
      Division: Political Communication
    • Top Four Faculty Paper Award
      Title: Sexting-related privacy management: Who cares and how?
      Authors: Marina F. Thomas, Alice Binder, & Jörg Matthes
      Division: Interpersonal Communication
    • Top Four Faculty Paper Award
      Title: Sharing is caring: The positive role of smartphone co-use in social dynamics
      Authors: Anja Stevic & Anneleen Meeus
      Division: Mobile Communication
    • Top Four Student Paper Award
      Title: Digital hate from targets' perception: A scoping review of recent research
      Authors: Maryam Khaleghipour, Kevin Koban, & Jörg Matthes
      Division: Interpersonal Communication
  • June 14, 2024
    New publication out now! Isabelle Freiling's and Jörg Matthes's work on Redefining the boundaries of citizen social science to avoid a repackaging of common social science methods (doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102627) was now released in Technology in Society.
  • June 7, 2024
    New AdMe position!
    We are currently looking to fill the position of a postdoctoral researcher within our team. If you are interested in joining us, please check the University of Vienna's Recruiting Portal for further details.
  • June 6, 2024
    More publications! Two more papers of our group have been published in Computers in Human Behavior and JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, respectively.
    • Matthes, J., Binder, A., Naderer, B., Forrai, M., Spielvogel, I., Knupfer, H., & Saumer, M. (2024). Effects of food depictions in entertainment media on children's unhealthy food preferences: Content analysis linked with panel data. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 7, 51429. https://doi.org/10.2196/51429
    • Bührer, S., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2024). The WWW of digital hate perpetration: What, who, and why? A scoping review. Computers in Human Behavior, 159, 108321. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2024.108321
  • June 3, 2024
    New AdMe members! We are very happy to welcome Vanessa Bengtsson and Enese Ágnes Daróczi within our ranks, who will support our ERC-funded project Digital Hate: Perpetrators, Audiences, and (Dis)Empowered Targets (DIGIHATE) as research assistants.
    A very warm welcome to AdMe, dear both!
  • May 29, 2024
    Another successful PhD defense! We are super proud to announce that our former team member Franz Reiter recently defended his dissertation entitled Dirty Campaigning in Electoral Communication: Perceptions and Effects with distinction ("summa cum laude").
    Congratulations, Dr. Franz!
  • May 23, 2024
    Paper published!
    The article Justifying an invasion: When is disinformation successful? (doi:10.1080/10584609.2024.2352483) by a group of authors including Jörg Matthes recently appeared in Political Communication.
  • May 3, 2024
    New paper available! The journal Social Science Computer Review just released the study Citizens' acceptance of data-driven political campaigning: A 25-country cross-national vignette study (doi:10.1177/08944393241249708) involving Jörg Matthes among a host of authors.
  • April 30, 2024
    Successful PhD defense! We are extremely proud to announce that Ruta Kaskeleviciute yesterday defended her dissertation entitled Perceptions and effects of mediated terrorism: An intergroup approach with distinction ("summa cum laude").
    Congratulations, Dr. Ruta!
  • April 15, 2024
    New AdMe position!
    Beside our currently advertised predoc position, we are also looking for motivated BA/MA students (research assistants) to support the project Digital Hate: Perpetrators, Audiences, and (Dis)Empowered Targets (DIGIHATE). If your mother tongue is either Swedish or Hungarian and you are interested in joining us, please check here for more information.
  • April 10, 2024
    New AdMe position! We are currently looking to fill the position of a predoctoral researcher within our ERC-funded project Digital Hate: Perpetrators, Audiences, and (Dis)Empowered Targets (DIGIHATE). If you are interested in joining us, please check the University of Vienna's Jobcenter for further details.
  • April 2, 2024
    Top AdMe job placement! Andreas Nanz, who has been part of our team since 2018, has accepted a position at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and has joined Professor Yannis Theocharis's team.

    Prior to becoming a long-term AdMe member, Andreas studied Sociology, Communication Science, and Political Science at the University of Vienna. Since October 2018, he worked within the Austrian Science Fund-funded project Social Media and Political Engagement: Mechanism and Contigencies, while conducting his PhD under Jörg Matthes's supervision. Andreas completed his PhD with distinction ("summa cum laude") in August 2022, and has been a postdoctoral researcher in our team ever since. He received two majors awards for his outstanding dissertation entitled Incidental exposure in the online world: Antecedents, mechanisms, and consequences: The sowi:doc Award of the University of Vienna's Faculty of Social Sciences, as well as the prestigious Political Communication Division PhD Dissertation Award by the International Communication Association's Political Communication Division.

    Congratulations, dear Andi! We wish you all the best for your personal and academic future.
  • April 2, 2024
    New papers published!
    The article On the immoral campaign trail: Conceptualization, underlying affective processes, and democratic outcomes of perceived dirty campaigning (doi:10.1177/00027642241240335) by Franz Reiter and Jörg Matthes appeared online first in the American Behavioral Scientist.

    Further, Anja Stevic's solo-authored paper entitled Under pressure? Longitudinal relationships between different types of social media use, digital pressure, and life satisfaction (doi:10.1177/20563051241239282) is now available through Social Media + Society.
  • March 15, 2024
    New publication out now! Mass Communication and Society just released the paper When are fact-checks effective? An experimental study on the inclusion of the misinformation source and the source of fact-checks in 16 European countries (doi:10.1080/15205436.2024.2321542), co-authored by Jörg Matthes.
  • March 14, 2024
    Melanie Hirsch rejoining AdMe! We're very happy to welcome Melanie back within our ranks with immediate effect. Melanie will be Alice Binder's temporary substitute as Senior Scientist in our team, as Alice has recently started her maternal leave.
    A very warm welcome back, dear Melanie!
  • March 7, 2024
    New papers available! Three new articles by our group (or as part of a collaboration) have recently been published in Telematics and Informatics, the International Journal of Communication, and The International Journal of Press/Politics respectively.

    Matthes, J., Neureiter, A., Stevic, A., & Noetzel, S. (2024). "It's too much": Excessive smartphone use during the COVID-19 crisis, information overload, and infection self-efficacy. Telematics and Informatics, 102119. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2024.102119

    Matthes, J., & Kaskeleviciute, R. (2024). "They are amongst us". News about Islamist terrorism, perceptions of sleeper terrorists, and negative stereotypes toward Muslims in the West. International Journal of Communication, 18, 1789-1810, retrieved from https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/19846/4540.

    Tulin, M., Hameleers, M., de Vreese, C., Aalberg, T., Corbu, N., Van Erkel, P., Esser, F., Gehle, L., Halagiera, D., Hopmann, D. N., Koc-Michalska, K., Matthes, J., Mihelj, S., Schemer, C., Stetka, V., Strömbäck, J., Terren, L., & Theocharis, Y. (2024). Why do citizens choose to read fact-checks in the context of the Russian war in Ukraine? The role of directional and accuracy motivations in nineteen democracies. The International Journal of Press/Politics. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/19401612241233533
  • February 27, 2024
    The dates and topics of this semester's research colloquium are now available. As usual, we invite everyone to join us on interesting debates. Please also check who's given a talk at our colloquium in the past years.
  • February 26, 2024
    Successful PhD defense! We are extremely proud to announce that last week, Melanie Hirsch defended her dissertation entitled Political and issue fit of targeted political advertising on social media: Perceptions, evaluations, and behavioral intentions with distinction.
    Congratulations, Dr. Melanie!
  • January 31, 2024
    Another AdMe position! We are now also advertising a temporary Senior Scientist position (March-June 2024 with the possibility of an extension) within our team. If you would like to take a closer look at the requirements, please check here for more details.
  • January 26, 2024
    New AdMe position! We are currently looking to fill the position of a predoctoral researcher within our team. If you are interested in joining us, please check the University of Vienna's Jobcenter for further details.
  • January 9, 2024
    Dissertation Award! We are super proud to announce that the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences (ViDSS) of the University of Vienna honored our former team member Marlis Stubenvoll with the sowi:doc Award 2023. Marlis will receive the award during a ceremony in June 2024 for her outstanding dissertation entitled Why misperceptions persist: The role of resistance to evidence in political news, which she completed with "summa cum laude" in February 2023. Additionally, the recipient of the award receives prize money of € 1.500.

    Congratulations, dear Marlis!
  • January 8, 2024
    New AdMe member! We are delighted to welcome Marie Jaroň Bedrošová within our research group as a Postdoctoral Researcher and MSCA Fellow. Marie is a Postdoc within the Department of Media Studies at the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University Brno, Czechia. As part of her newly-funded project CYBERPLUS, she will spend the year 2024 conducting her research in Vienna under the umbrella of our Department.

    A very warm welcome to AdMe, dear Marie!
  • January 8, 2024
    First paper of the year! Computers in Human Behavior has already released Kevin Koban's and Jaime Banks's article titled It feels, therefore it Is: Associations between mind perception and mind ascription for social robots (doi:10.1016/j.chb.2023.108098), which will appear in Volume 153 in April 2024.