Mag. Dr. Ariadne Neureiter, Bakk. BSc MSc

Postdoctoral Researcher
Currently on maternal leave

Währinger Straße 29 (R. 7.45), 1090 Vienna

✆  +43-1-4277-49334

Consultation: Based upon prior agreement

Ariadne Neureiter is a researcher (currently: postdoc) in the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna since August 2019. She studied communication science and psychology at the University of Vienna and the University of Graz, and completed her Ph.D. at the University of Vienna in December 2023. Her research focuses on strategic (sustainability) communication, information processing strategies and effects of green advertising.

Awards & Acknowledgements

  • 2024, August
    First Place Open Research Top Paper Award for the paper "Inspired by 'greenfluencers': Young peoples' exposure to greenfluencers, compensatory green beliefs, and consumption behavior", Advertising Division, AEJMC annual convention, Philadelphia, PA, USA (co-author: Jörg Matthes).
  • 2023, March/April
    Short-Term Grant Abroad (KWA) of the University of Vienna for a research stay at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam (Host: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anke Wonneberger)
  • 2022, October
    Advertising Research Fund (€ 750) for the research project Implicit perceptions of green airline ads: The impact of greenwashing literacy, awarded by the German Communication Associations's Advertising Communication Division
  • 2019, August
    Franz Bogner Science Award
    (1st place for Master Thesis at Universities) for the thesis entitled The impact of crisis' history and victim's history on corporate reputation, awarded by the Public Relations Association Austria (PRVA)