Dr. Mira Mayrhofer, Bakk. BSc MSc

Senior Lecturer
Currently on maternal leave

Währinger Straße 29 (R. 7.43), 1090 Vienna

✆  +43-1-4277-48327
✉  mira.mayrhofer@univie.ac.at

Consultation: Based upon prior agreement

Mira Mayrhofer is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna. She holds a PhD in Communication Studies since January 2019.

Awards & Acknowledgements

  • 2018
    Top Faculty Paper Award, AEJMC, Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division: Mayrhofer, M., & Matthes, J.: "We drink so we are: Effects of perceived similarity with a drinker on observational learning"
  • 2017
    Top Student Paper Award, International Communication Association, Mass Communication Division: Mayrhofer, M. & Naderer, B.: "Can mass media be an alcohol educator for everyone? Investigating the effects of portrayed alcohol consequences on alcohol expectancies and attitudes and the influence of viewers' characteristics"