Phelia Weiß, B.A. B.A. MA
Predoctoral Researcher
Währinger Straße 29 (R. 7.43), 1090 Vienna
✆ +43-1-4277-49309
Consultation: Based upon prior agreement
Phelia is a predoctoral researcher within the Department of Communication since October 2022. She has joined our research group as research assistant in March 2022. Prior to joining AdMe, Phelia studied Art History (B.A.: 2017) and Communication Studies (B.A.: 2020) at the LMU Munich, Germany. She recently completed her Master in Journalism and Communication Studies at our department.
Awards & Acknowledgements
- 2023, August
Second Place Top Paper Award for the paper "The state of evidence in digital hate research: An umbrella review", Communication Theory and Methodology Division, Open Paper Competition, AEJMC annual convention, Washington, D.C., USA (as a co-author of Jörg Matthes, Kevin Koban, Stephanie Bührer, Thomas Kirchmair, Maryam Khaleghipour, Melanie Saumer, & Rinat Meerson).
- 2023, May
ICA Top Student Poster Award for the paper "Femicides in the news: Effects of victims' and perpetrators' nationality on victim blaming and fear of victimization" (co-authors: Helena Knupfer, Ruta Kaskeleviciute & Jörg Matthes).
- 2023, May
Top Poster Award for the paper "Femicides in the news: Effects of victims' and perpetrators' nationality on victim blaming and fear of victimization", Journalism Studies Division (co-authors: Helena Knupfer, Ruta Kaskeleviciute & Jörg Matthes).