• Vranken, S., Vanherle, R., Fitzgerald, K., Geusens, F., & Beullens, K. (accepted in principle). Social media – Instagram. In G-J De Bruijn & H. Vandebosch (Eds.), Health, Media, and Communication.
  • Vranken, S., Kurten, S., & Beullens, K. (2024). Time to "wine": A content analysis investigating how social media influencers refer to alcohol use in Instagram feed posts and stories. Mass Communication and Society. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2024.2309337
  • Vranken, S., Matthes, J., Fitzgerald, K., & Beullens, K. (2023). I spy with my little eye: An eye-tracking study examining adolescents’ attention to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in Instagram stories. Appetite, 189, 107000. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2023.107000
  • Vranken, S. (2023). Disentangling alcohol-relatedsocial media effects: A mixed-method approach to explore the role of different socialization agents and different social media message types. [Doctoral Dissertation, KU Leuven]. KU Leuven Repository.
  • Vranken, S., Murru, S., & Beullens, K. (2023). "Boys are allowed to be drunk": Exploring gender norms in adolescents' alcohol-related self-presentations across different social media platforms and message types. Journal of Drug Issues, 54(3), 367-388. https://doi.org/10.1177/00220426231163791
  • Vranken, S., Beullens, K., Geyskens, D., & Matthes, J. (2023). Under the influence of (alcohol)influencers? A qualitative study examining adolescents' evaluations of alcohol-related Instagram images from influencers. Journal of Children and Media, 17(1), 134-153. https://doi.org/10.1080/17482798.2022.2157457
  • Vranken, S. (2023). Alcoholposts van social media influencers: Aantrekkelijk of onrealistisch? [Alcoholposts from social media influencers: Attractive or unrealistic]. Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap, 51(3), 349-352. https://doi.org/10.5117/TCW2023.3.007.VRAN
  • Vranken, S., Kurten, S., & Beullens, K. (2022). The temporality and accessibility of message types (TAMT) model: Examining social media message types and the associations between exposure to alcohol and binge drinking. Cyberpsychology – Journal of Psychosocial Research On Cyberspace, 16(5), Article 4. https://doi.org/10.5817/CP2022-5-4
  • Vranken, S., Geusens, F., Meeus, A., & Beullens, K. (2020). The platform is the message? Exploring the relation between different social networking sites and different forms of alcohol use. Health & New Media Research, 4(2), 135-168. https://doi.org/10.22720/HNMR.2020.4.2.135

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