Year: 2025
- Kirchmair, T., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2025, June). Annotation in action: Experimental perspectives on perceiving and labeling digital hate across four countries. Presentation to Information System Division at the 75th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 12-16, Denver, CO, USA.
- Matthes, J., Nguyen, G., Koban, K., Meerson, R., Khaleghipour, M., Garner, D., Bührer, S., & Kirchmair, T. (2025, June). Discoursive consequences of social media hostility: Chilling effects, avoidance, and intervention behaviors of emerging adults in the U.S. and Indonesia. Presentation to the Interpersonal Communication Division at the 75th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 12-16, Denver, CO, USA.
- Kirchmair, T., Koban, K., Baumann, A., & Matthes, J. (2025, April). Multidimensional differences of digital hate between YouTube's and TikTok's comment sections. Presentation at the 7th annual COMPTEXT conference, April 24-26, Vienna, Austria.
Year: 2024
- Kirchmair, T., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2024, September). Register variation of digital hate comments in the Gaza-Israel conflict on YouTube and TikTok. Presentation at the 4th Workshop on Computational Linguistics for the Political and Social Sciences (CPSS) at KONVENS 2024, September 13, Vienna, Austria.
- Kirchmair, T., Koban, K., & Matthes, J. (2024, June). Four eyes, two truths: Explaining heterogeneity in perceived severity of digital hate against immigrants. Presentation to the Information Systems Division at the 74th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 20-24, Gold Coast, Australia.
Year: 2023
- Baumann, A., Bausch, N., Benson, J., Bloos, S., Jablonczay, N., Kirchmair, T. & Sitter, E. (2023, September). Grumpiness ambivalently relates to negative and positive emotions in ironic Austrian German text data. Presentation at the Language, Data and Knowledge Conference (LDK), September 12-15, Vienna, Austria.
- Matthes, J., Koban, K., Bührer, S., Kirchmair, T., Weiß, P., Khaleghipour, M., Saumer, M., & Meerson, R. (2023, September). The state of evidence in digital hate research: An umbrella review. Presentation at the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), September 6-8, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
- Kougia, V., Fetzel, S., Kirchmair, T., Çano, E., Baharlou, S., Sharifzadeh, S. & Roth, B. (2023, August). MemeGraphs: Linking memes to knowledge graphs. Presentation at the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), August 21-26, San José, USA, retrieved from
- Matthes, J., Koban, K., Bührer, S., Kirchmair, T., Weiß, P., Khaleghipour, M., Saumer, M., & Meerson, R. (2023, August). The state of evidence in digital hate research: An umbrella review. Presentation to the Communication Theory and Methodology Division at the AEJMC Annual Convention, August 7-10, Washington D.C., USA.
Year: 2022
- Rastinger, N. C., Kirchmair, T., Fytraki, L., & Resch, C. (2022, September). "Points of entry" taken literally: Mapping arrivals and lodgings of the upper class in 18th century Vienna. Presentation at the Spatial Humanities Conference 2022, September 7-9, Ghent, Belgium.
- Rastinger, N. C., Kirchmair, T., & Resch, C. (2022, August). Praising highly aged persons and banning the mourning of child deaths: Age discourses in an 18th century German newspaper corpus. Presentation at the 6th Corpora and Discourse International Conference (CADS), August 26-28, Forli, Italy.
Year: 2021
- Kirchmair, T., & Rastinger, N. C. (2021, November). Corpus-based insights into discourses of age in the 18th century. A mixed methods approach using the obituaries of the Wien(n)erisches Diarium as a starting point. Poster presentation at the workshop "Zwischen Äußerungen und Zahlen. Korpuslinguistische Zugänge zu Diskursen, November 5, Vienna, Austria.
- Bintsis, C., Brader, E., Kirchmair, T., & Knöbel, S. (2021, December). Coping with social media blackout: Using sentiment analysis to extract user's reactions towards the great Facebook blackout on the 4th of October on a global scale. Poster presentation at the Austrian Linguistics Conference 2021, December 11, Vienna, Austria.