- December 10, 2015
New publication! The article "Informal political conversation across time and space: Setting the research agenda" by David Hopmann, Jörg Matthes and Lilach Nir appeared in the latest issue (Guest Editor: Jörg Matthes) of the International Journal of Public Opinion Research.
- December 2, 2015
New article! We're proud to announce the publication of our content analysis on "Questionable Research Practices in Communication Science" in the December issue of Communication Methods & Measures. For those of you who can't access the article online, a pre-proof version is available here.
- November 30, 2015
Keynote talk at Cyberspace 15 in Brno! Jörg Matthes was invited to give a keynote entitled "Social Media and Youth Political Engagement" at the 13th International Conference "Cyberspace 15", which was held from November 27-28 at the Masaryk University Brno. Please also check out the painting of the artist Lisa Cirenza illustrating Professor Matthes's talk.
- November 25, 2015
Citizen Science Workshop! As part of our research project Young Adults' Political Experience Sampling (YAPES) we are organising a workshop discussing Citizen Science projects in Austria. Professor Heidi Ballard from the University of California/Davis will be our special guest, hold the keynote and discuss the challenges and perspectives of Citizen Science. More information on the workshop and the registration can be accessed here. Please also check out the news on our department's website.
- November 10, 2015
Cartoon visualization! Routledge has created an interesting cartoon abstract based on Florian Arendt's and Brigitte Naderer's (et al.) paper "Television commercials and fading behavioral brand choice effects in Austrian children". The cartoon can be accessed here.
- November 4, 2015
New JMP article! The Journal of Media Psychology recently published an article by Florian Arendt, Franziska Marquart & Jörg Matthes on the "Effects of right-wing populist political advertising on implicit and explicit stereotypes".
- October 27, 2015
New publication! An article entitled "Television commercials and fading behavioral brand choice effects in Austrian children", authored by Florian Arendt, Brigitte Naderer, Maral Abdollahi, Andreas Mittelberger, Olga Surzhyk & Lin Zhou was recently published in the Journal of Children and Media (vol. 9, issue 4).
- October 22, 2015
The article "Attitudes toward illegal immigration and exposure to public service and commercial broadcasting in France, Norway, and the United States" by Audun Beyer (University of Oslo) and Jörg Matthes appeared in vol. 9 (2015) of the International Journal of Communication.
- October 14, 2015
Kathrin Karsay & Desirée Schmuck receive Research Award! The University of Vienna's Department of Communication awarded Kathrin & Desi the competitive "Research Award 2015" for their proposal "Weak, sad, and lazy fatties". The effects of reality weight loss TV shows on adolescents' explicit and implicit stereotypes toward obese people.
The award, established in 2014, offers financial support for young scholars to conduct innovative research projects. Congratulations, Kathrin & Desi!
- October 5, 2015
New project! Christian von Sikorski's research proposal "Men's Health: Usage and Effects of Health Information Online" (together with Thomas Schierl, German Sport University Cologne; GSU) was approved by the Federal Center of Health Education (BZgA), which is a government agency of the German Federal Ministry of Health. Christian von Sikorski is the Co-Principal Investigator of the funded project. The project analyzes recipients' information acquisition on health information using eye-tracking methodology. The project runs until September 2016.
- October 5, 2015
The dates and topics of this semester's research colloquium are now available. As usual, we invite everyone to join us on interesting debates. Please also check who's given a talk at our colloquium in the past years.
- September 28, 2015
The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies published an article by Desirée Schmuck and Jörg Matthes entitled "How anti-immigrant right-wing populist advertisements affect young voters: Symbolic threats, economic threats, and the moderating role of education" in volume 41, issue 10.
- September 7, 2015
New article published! The International Journal of Public Opinion Research published an article by Jörg Matthes entitled "Observing the 'spiral' in the spiral of silence" in volume 27, issue 2.
- September 4, 2015
More activities! Jörg Matthes was recently invited to join the editorial board of the Journal of Media Psychology.
- August 1, 2015
New AdME member! A very warm welcome to Agnes Obereder, who has recently joined our project "Food Product Placements in Children's Movies: Content, Mechanisms and Protective Measures".
- June 18, 2015
Christian von Sikorski's paper "Journalismus 2.0 – Wie die Kommentare und sozialen Informationen "der Anderen" unsere Wahrnehmung von Online-Nachrichten beeinflussen" was recently published in issue 5 of the peer-reviewed online journal The Inquisitive Mind.
- June 2, 2015
New publication! The article "Corrupt politicians? Media priming effects on overtly expressed stereotypes toward politicians" by Florian Arendt and Franziska Marquart appeared in volume 40/issue 2 of Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research.
- May 28, 2015
Top Paper Award at ICA 2015! The paper "Questionable research practices in experimental communication research: A systematic analysis from 1980 to 2013" by Jörg Matthes, Franziska Marquart, Brigitte Naderer, Florian Arendt, Desirée Schmuck and Karoline Adam received the Top 4 Faculty Paper Award from ICA's Mass Communication Division at the annual ICA conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- May 15, 2015
The paper by Marlene Schloffer and Jörg Matthes, "Usefulness of Online Consumer Reviews of Experience and Search Goods" received the "Best Research Paper Award" of the year 2014! The award is granted by the journal Werbeforschung & Praxis. Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenführung, jointly published by the German and Austrian Advertising Academies.
- May 12, 2015
Article published! The article "Public perceptions of the media coverage of irregular immigration. Comparative insights from France, the United States and Norway" by Audun Beyer and Jörg Matthes appeared in the journal American Behavioral Scientist.
- April 29, 2015
New AdME position! We are currently looking to fill the position of a Junior Researcher ('Prae Doc') to complete our team. If you are interested in joining us please check here for details.
- April 29, 2015
New article published! The Newspaper Research Journal recently published an article by Brian J. Bowe, Shahira Fahmy and Jörg Matthes entitled "U.S. newspapers provide nuanced picture of Islam".
- April 1, 2015
Johannes Knoll and Christian von Sikorski join AdME! We are delighted to welcome two new researchers within our ranks. Johannes Knoll recently defended his dissertation on persuasion in social media at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg (Germany). His research focuses on advertising, online communication as well as reception & media effects. Christian von Sikorski completed his PhD in Media and Mass Communication about the effects of coverage on persons with disabilities. His quantitative research approach revolves around reception and effects of advertising, research methods, online and visual communication. Welcome to Vienna, Christian and Johannes!
We also welcome Mira Mayrhofer and Ines Spielvogel to our research group! Mira and Ines will work in the research project "Food Product Placements in Children's Movies: Content, Mechanisms and Protective Measures", funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Austrian Central Bank. A very warm welcome to AdME, Mira and Ines!
- March 11, 2015
The dates and topics of this semester's research colloquium are now available. As usual, we invite everyone to join us on interesting debates. Please also check who's given a talk at our colloquium in the past years.
- March 10, 2015
New publication! The article Children's consumption behavior in response to food product placements in movies by Jörg Matthes and Brigitte Naderer recently appeared in Volume 14/Issue 2 of the Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
- February 2, 2015
Master thesis proposals update! We invite all M.A. students who are interested in writing their upcoming master thesis under the support of our team to have a look at the proposals and interesting research projects posted on our site.
- February 25, 2015
New textbook! Jörg Matthes published a textbook on media reception research together with Helena Bilandzic and Holger Schramm. The textbook, which is the first of its kind, offers a concise introduction to research on media reception and media psychology. More information can be found here.
- February 19, 2015
Franziska Marquart awarded scholarship! Franziska will work and conduct her projects at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) for a two-month period between February and April 2015. The short-term research stay is funded by the University of Vienna. Congratulations, Franzi!
- February 17, 2015
AdMe in Puerto Rico! Jörg Matthes, Franziska Marquart, Brigitte Naderer, Desirée Schmuck and Kathrin Karsay will present their work at the 65th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) from May 21-25 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A total of five papers has been accepted for presentation to the Children, Adolescents and Media Division, Environmental Communication Division, Information Systems Division, and Mass Communication Division. Furthermore, two presentations will be given at Pre-Conferences of the Political Communication Division and the Visual Communication Division.
- February 3, 2015
The journal Communication Research published a new article by Jörg Matthes and Franziska Marquart entitled 'A new look at campaign advertising and political engagement. Exploring the effects of opinion-congruent and -incongruent political advertisements'.
- January 26, 2015
Jörg Matthes receives IGor-Award! This semester's lecture on advertising effects by Professor Matthes was awarded with the IGor-Award by the students of the Department of Communication. The newly-created IGor-Award honors the semester's best and most interesting lecture delivered to communication students. Students could vote for their favorite lecture online.
- January 20, 2015
New research grant! The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Central Bank of the Republic of Austria) will fund our research project "Food Product Placements in Children's Movies: Content, Mechanisms and Protective Measures". The project is conducted by Jörg Matthes, Brigitte Naderer, and Franziska Marquart. It will run until March 2017.
- January 16, 2015
More AdME positions! We're looking for BA/MA students interested to participate in our new resarch project The influence of food placements in children’s movies. Content, underlying mechanism and protective measure. If you're interested in working with our research group please check here for details.