Below you find a selection of articles and interviews by our team members in the media.

  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes about the role of the media for public perceptions of threat and security in times of crises, ZIB Magazin (ORF 1), December 20.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about the role of the media for public perceptions of threat and security, Der Standard, December 15.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about the influence and effects of advertising campaigns and influencers specifically targeting children and adolescents, FALTER 49/22, December 6.
  • Interview with Anja Stevic about her research on smartphones, children, and adolescents, BBC, September 15.
  • Interview (panel discussion) with Jörg Matthes about social media and its effects on health and well-being ("Soziale Medien – immer verbunden und trotzdem verloren", "Am Puls"-Wissenschaftstalk, FWF/ORF Radio Wien, May 24.
  • Podcast interview with Jörg Matthes about political framing, NDR MV Podcast "Akte Nord Stream 2 – Gas, Geld, Geheimnisse", May 18.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about the (expensive) PR work of Vienna's public waste collector MA48, Kurier, May 12.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes about unhealthy food and a potential advertising and product placement ban for unhealthy children's food, Servus Reportage (Servus TV), April 21.
  • Reference to our work in Communication Research (2018) cited in a New York Times opinion letter entitled Is freedom of thought curbed on campus?, New York Times, March 27.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukrainian-Russian war, increase of costs in daily life and ways to deal with increasing anxiety, Der Standard, March 20.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about the role of animals in TV and advertising, Kurier, February 27.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about adolescents' smartphone use, FOMO, and reflective smartphone disengagement, Die Presse, February 19.
  • Media articles about our applied project Political Influencing on Social Media in the German Federal Election 2021 (conducted 2021):
    epd medien aktuell 28a (February 9) • turi2 (February 9) • (February 10)
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about the role of advertising during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kleine Zeitung, January 24.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about advertising strategies (e.g. the role of emotions) since the emergence of COVID-19, Ö1 Journal um acht, January 10.
  • Magazine Interview with Jörg Matthes about price check campaigns in Austria and the fight of local retailers against competition like Amazon, Horizont, November 21.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes about advertising and athletes as "brands" in Austria's main sport disciplines (skiing, football), Weltcup Magazin Sölden, November 2017.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes about framing, agenda setting and political communication, 3Sat, September 21.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes about the importance of social media platforms for political communication between politicians and citizens, Wiener Zeitung, October 20.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about "dirty campaigning" and the Austrian Parliamentary Elections 2017,, October 14.
  • Radio interview with Jörg Matthes about the fascination of horror movies, Radio Wien, October 13.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about the importance of posters during election campaigns, ÖBB Werbung, September 12.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes about provocative advertising, uni:view, August 29.
  • Newspaper interview with Desirée Schmuck about poster campaigns for the Austrian Parliamentary elections, Wiener Zeitung, August 26. 
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes about belittling language in modern media, Vice Online, July 17.
  • OTS report about the awarding of the annual "Prof. Claus Gatterer-Preis für sozial engagierten Journalismus" at the Department of Communication, APA-OTS, July 6.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes about the (dis-)advantages of different types of advertising, Horizont 20/2017, May 19.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes about today's use of social media for organizing and forming political opinion and protests, Tiroler Tageszeitung (TT), May 2017.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes about social media profiles and digital property of dead people, Wiener Zeitung, May 4, 2017.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes about free (of charge) advertising, Heute Konkret (ORF 2, Austrian Public Broadcaster), April 20, 2017.
  • TV Interview with Jörg Matthes about the significant increase of mental health issues in our society, Treffpunkt Medizin – Von Narren, Narzissten und anderen Neurosen (ORF III, Austrian Public Broadcaster), April 19, 2017.
  • Radio interview with Jörg Matthes about fake news, Journal-Panorama, Radio Ö1 (Austrian Public Broadcaster), April 18, 2017.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about the role of (social) media for the current safety and security debate in Austria, DokEins (ORF 1, Austrian Public Broadcaster), March 29, 2017.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes about the use of fear and emotions in politics and product communication, Egger Lerch Corporate Publishing, March 17, 2017.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes about the new MA and BA Curricula at the Department of Communication, Der Standard, March 13, 2017.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes on brands and sports sponsoring, Horizont 8/2017, February 24, 2017.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes about the shift of social behavior into the digital world and its implications on the human mind, treffpunkt Medizin ORF III, February 15, 2017.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes on the Twitter trend #cuteanimaltweetoff,, January 27, 2017.
  • Radio interview with Jörg Matthes on the topic of "Das medialisierte Kind" ("the medialized child") with focus on advertising, Ö1 Radiokolleg, January 26, 2017.
  • Newspaper interview with Christian von Sikorski about the role of user content for online journalism, Luzerner Zeitung, December 31.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes about the significance of commercials and advertisement in public transport and public space in general, ORF Heute Konkret, December 7.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes on the 2016 election of the Austrian Federal President, the strategy of the right-wing populist party FPÖ and its implications for the campaign, ZDF Heute, December 5.
  • Article about hate posts in social networks, KURIER, November 22.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes on the 2016 election of the Austrian Federal President and the importance of posters during the campaign, Die Furche 46, November 17.
  • Statement by Jörg Matthes about Citizen Science and civic particpation in political processes ("Die Mobilisierung der Mitmach-Gesellschaft"), univie 3/2016, November 10.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes on sustainability, green advertising and its implications on everyday life, ORF 2 program "Thema", November 7.
  • Magazine Interview with Jörg Matthes about the social media strategy and success of the Austrian right-wing party FPÖ, Vice Alps, October 26.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes about hate posts in social networks, / TV interview Wien heute, October 18.
  • Article and interview with Jörg Matthes about "retro marketing", Horizont 37, September 16.
  • Video interview with Jörg Matthes as part of the video campaign "Was ist Wissenstransfer?" ["What's knowledge transfer?"], Wissens- und Technologietransferzentrum Ost, September 12.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes on the significance of "bad news", Die Option / Susanne Wolf, September 10.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes on how TV consumption influences our perception of the "real world", Kurier, August 23.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes on the power of advertising and its effects on children, Der Standard, July 11.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes on the 2016 election of the Austrian Federal President, Weekendavisen (Denmark), May 27.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes on a potential ban of polls and surveys in the light of the 2016 election of the Austrian Federal President, Vorarlberger Nachrichten (VN), May 7/8.
  • Article about the use of language in advertising campaigns, Horizont, issue 15, April 19.
  • Radio interview with Christian von Sikorski about his research on scandals, Deutschlandfunk, (Program: 'Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften'), April 14.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes on the power of social media in modern-day election campaigns in the light of the 2016 election of the Austrian Federal President, medianet. Wirtschaftszeitung für Marketing & Sales, April 8.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes about the secrets of successful advertising, (pp. 66-68), issue 1, March 2016.
  • Article about our research project Food Product Placements in Children's Movies: Content, Mechanisms and Protective Measures, Die Presse 'Wissen & Innovation' (pp. 32), February 27.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes about the accusation of the 'lying press' in Austria, PULS 4 Austria News, February 5.
  • Magazine interview with Franziska Marquart about the power and importance of images in advertising and media, bulletin Austrian Tourism (Österreich Werbung), February/March.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about social media as a way to re-engage young people with politics, (published by Masaryk University Brno), January 25.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes about advertising campaigns, Tiroler Tageszeitung, November 13, 2015.
  • Radio interview with Christian von Sikorski about the role of scandals in our society, Ö1 program Salzburger Nachtstudio, October 28.
  • Article about the Citizen Science-Award and our research project Young Adults' Political Experience Sampling (YAPES), KURIER, September 30, 2015.
  • Radio interview with Jörg Matthes about product placements and YouTube, Ö1 program matrix – computer & neue medien, September 27, 2015.
  • Article about our research project Young Adults' Political Experience Sampling (YAPES), uni:view, September 22, 2015.
  • Article about our research project Young Adults' Political Experience Sampling (YAPES), KURIER, September 6, 2015.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes on the power of advertising and its effects on children, thema vorarlberg, September 5, 2015.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes on hate posts in social networks, Der Standard, August 4, 2015.
  • Article about our research project FacePolitics: Social Media and Participatory Politics for Adolescents, Die Presse, August 1, 2015.
  • Article about our research project Food Product Placements in Children's Movies: Content, Mechanisms and Protective Measures, Der Standard, July 8, 2015.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes about our research project Food Product Placements in Children's Movies: Content, Mechanisms and Protective Measures, uni:view, July 1, 2015.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes about Billa's new controversial TV commercial, Der Standard, June 25, 2015.
  • Radio interview with Johannes Knoll about TV football coverage and its effects on recipients, Deutschlandradio Wissen, June 19, 2015.
  • Newspaper interview with Jörg Matthes on politicians' social media activities, Der Standard, February 17, 2015.
  • ZEIT Article on Austria's image and its uses for advertising campaigns, Die Zeit 51, December 11.
  • TV interview with Jörg Matthes on sexist advertising, ORF Report (TV), July 15.
  • Radio interview with Brigitte Naderer about her research and life as PraeDoc at our department, Radio Campus, June 17.
  • Radio interview with Jörg Matthes about product placements, Ö1 program 'Moment – leben heute', March 10.
  • Article about the symposium "Discrimination sells?! – Werbeethik und Werbekritik heute", Der Standard, March 2.
  • Magazine interview with Jörg Matthes about the poster campaign of the St. Pölten diocese, Die Furche, August 2.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes about advertsing, advertising effects and product placements, Buchklub Crossover, August 2012.
  • Interview with Jörg Matthes on right-wing populist parties and their strategies to adopt pseudoreligion to their advantage, Kosovo 2.0, June 2012.
  • Newspaper interview Jörg Matthes on an ÖVP poster campaign, Die Presse, May 21.
  • Article about a product placem­ent study conducted by Jörg Matthes and Brigitte Naderer, Die Presse, April 30.