- December 17, 2012
Coming up in 2013: The AdME Research Group will participate in the annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) in Mainz, Germany, from the 8-10 of May. Jörg Matthes, Anke Wonneberger, Florian Arendt and Franziska Marquart will give two talks entitled "Testing a New Index of Negativity in News" and "Say No to Criminal Migrants" to the community.
- December 8, 2012
Professor Matthes will hold his inaugural lecture at the University of Vienna on January 11, 2013, 17:00 in the University’s main building. More information about the programme can be found here. Everyone is welcome!
- November 28, 2012
New journal acceptance! Jörg Matthes and Franziska Marquart will publish their paper on "The Effects of Negative, Emotionalizing Political Ads on Attitudes Towards Immigrants". The article will appear in Publizistik 3/2013.
- November 23, 2012
Professor Matthes was invited to the interdisciplinary lecture series on "Advertising as a Phenomenon of Everyday Life" at the University of Graz, Austria. More information about this event can be found here.
- October 19, 2012
A new piece on the effects of product placements has just been published in the Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. Check it out here. Also, Professor Matthes was re-elected to serve as the head of the Methods Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) for another two years. He was also elected to be a member of the executive committee of the Communication Theory & Methodology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).
- October 10, 2012
Also this semester we will continue our research colloquium. Several guests as well as AdME members will talk about brand communication, green advertising, or interpersonal communication. Guests are welcome! Click here to learn more about the program.
- August 21, 2012
Third Top Paper Award for AdME members this year! The paper "Child Exposure to Food and Beverage Placements in Movies: Toward an Implicit Persuasion Model" by Professor Matthes received the Top Faculty Paper Award by AEJMC´s Advertising division at the AEJMC annual convention in Chicago. This award is also sponsored by the International Journal of Advertising. See the announcement in the division´s newsletter here.
- August 15, 2012
Another abstract of the AdME team has been accepted for a conference: Jörg Matthes and Franziska Marquart will present their work on political posters' negative effects on attitudes towards immigrants at the annual meeting of the Visual Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) in November 2012 in Berlin, Germany.
- August 6, 2012
More AdME talks this year! Two submissions of our group were accepted for presentation at the annual conference of the Advertising Communication Interest Group of the German Communication Association (DGPuK). Florian Arendt, Jörg Matthes and Franziska Marquart will present their study stating that "Positively Valenced Calming Political Ads Influence the Correspondence between Implicit and Explicit Attitudes". In addition to that, Jörg Matthes and Brigitte Naderer will talk about "The Effects of Product Placecements on Children". The conference will take place November 21-23 in Würzburg, Germany.
- July 26, 2012
The journal Political Communication published a piece by Professor Matthes (co-authored with Christian Schemer) on "Diachronic Framing Effects in Competitive Opinion Environments". The paper presents survey and experimental data on the longevity of framing effects.
- July 2, 2012
Professor Matthes was among the Top Ten nominated for the 2012 Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching at his former university, the University of Zurich. The focus of this year´s award was "Passion for Science". Nominees were selected based on an online survey where students could vote for their favorite teacher, and by a search committee.
- June 21, 2012
A new article about "A newspaper's effect on the strength of automatic associations in memory" by Florian Arendt has been published in the Journal of Media Psychology.
- June 13, 2012
Coming up next month, Franziska Marquart is going to participate in the 3rd International Summerschool on "Political Communication and Electoral Behaviour", taking place from the 16th-20th of July in Milano, Italy. Among others, the School is sponsored by the ICA's and ECREA's Political Communication Division and assembles top scholars as well as Ph.D. candidates of the field for a one week workshop to talk about current developments and research methods as well as to address difficulties and challenges in research projects. Franziska will present the outline of her dissertation on European political campaigning and be given the opportunity to discuss her work with other students and academics.
- June 11, 2012
AEJMC papers accepted! Two AdME full papers have been accepted for presentation at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) in Chicago. The paper "Child Exposure to Food and Beverage Placements in Movies: Toward an Implicit Persuasion Model" will be presented to the Advertising division. Another paper, "Elaboration or Distraction? Knowledge Acquisition from Thematically Related and Unrelated Humor in Political Speeches", was accepted by the Communication Theory & Methodology division.
- May 30, 2012
AdME celebrates two Top Paper Awards at the annual convention of the International Communication Association held in Phoenix, AZ! The paper "Toward a Dose-Response Account of Media Priming and Cultivation" by Florian Arendt received the Top Three Student Paper Award by the Mass Communication division. The same division also gave the Top Three Faculty Paper Award to Professor Matthes for his paper, "Who Learns From Cross-Cutting Exposure? Motivated Reasoning, Counterattitudinal News Coverage, and Awareness of Oppositional Views (with Sebastian Valenzuela, Catholic U of Chile).
- April 30, 2012
The newspaper "Die Presse" reported about a recent study conducted in a research class led by Professor Matthes. We found that food products placed in blockbuster movies can exert a significant impact on children´s product choices. Our findings bear great importance to advertising scholars and policy regulators. Read the story here.
- April 19, 2012
Professor Matthes has been invited to join the editorial board of the journal Studies in Communication Sciences, which is the journal of the Swiss Communication Association. He was also appointed as the national representative for Austria in the Network of European Political Communication Scholars (NEPOCS).
- April 2, 2012
The AdME group is delighted to announce a talk by Dr. Benedikt Till (Medical University of Vienna) in our group's research colloquium. Date: April 25, 17:00-18.00. The title of his presentation is "Coping und Filmrezeption: Die Wirkung von Dramen und der Einfluss von Rezeptionsmodalitäten und Coping-Strategien auf Filmeffekte".
On April 11, 16.30-17.30, the AdMe group will have a journal club on a piece by Klaus Fiedler on "Voodoo Correlations Are Everywhere—Not Only in Neuroscience", published in Perspectives on Psychological Science. Guests are welcome!
- March 30, 2012
The field's methodology journal, Communication Methods & Measures, invites manuscripts for a special issue on selective exposure. For more information, please click here.
- March 28, 2012
A new article about changing news audiences in the Netherlands by Anke Wonneberger, Klaus Schönbach and Lex van Meurs has been published in the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Communication Research published a piece by Professor Matthes on the timing of voting decisions in political campaigns.
- February 21, 2012
The American Behavioral Scientist special issue on "Framing Politics: An Integrative Approach", edited by Professor Matthes, has now been published. Click here for more information.
- February 14, 2012
We invite all M.A. students who are interested in writing their upcoming master thesis under the support of our team to have a look at the proposals and interesting research projects posted on our site.
- February 1, 2012
With Anke Wonneberger joining our team as a senior researcher, the AdME research group is now complete!
- January 27, 2012
Professor Matthes joins the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Communication Research, published on behalf of the National Communication Association.
- January 17, 2012
ICA Papers accepted! The AdME group got a total of 11 papers/presentations accepted for the annual conference of the International Communication Association at Phoenix, Arizona, 22-28 May 2012. We will present our work to the Mass Communication, Visual Communication, Political Communication, and Information Systems divisions.