Editor in-Chief (2023-27), Communication Theory

Editor-in-Chief (2016-20), Communication Methods & Measures

Associate Editor (since 2020), Journal of Advertising

Associate Editor (2016-20), Human Communication Research

Associate Editor (2013-14) Journal of Communication

Associate Editor (2010-15) Communication Methods & Measures

Guest Editor American Behavioral Scientist, Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, Human Communication Research, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Mass Communication and Society

Editor of the series Forschungsfeld Kommunikation

Member of the editorial boards of Communication Methods & Measures, Communication Monographs (2022-2024), Human Communication Research, Journal of Media Psychology, International Journal of Advertising, International Journal of CommunicationInternational Journal of Public Opinion Research, Communication Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Communication (2019-2022), Journal of Applied Communication Research (2012-2024), Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Online Media and Global Communication, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Mass Communication and Society, Media Psychology, Studies in Communication Sciences, International Journal of E-Politics (2013-2020), Studies in Communication and MediaAnnals of the International Communication Association and transfer: Werbeforschung & Praxis. Zeitschrift für Werbung, Kommunikation und Markenführung.

Member of NEPOCS – Network of European Political Communication Scholars

Reviewer Service: Communication


  • Asian Journal of Communication
  • Communication and the Public
  • Communication Methods and Measures
  • Communication Monographs
  • Communication Quarterly
  • Communication Research
  • Communication Theory
  • Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research
  • Digital Journalism
  • Health Communication
  • Howard Journal of Communications
  • Human Communication Research
  • Information, Communication & Society
  • International Journal of Advertising
  • International Journal of Communication
  • International Journal of Press/Politics
  • International Journal of Public Opinion Research
  • Journal of Applied Communication Research
  • Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media
  • Journal of Children and Media
  • Journal of Communication
  • Journal of Communication Management
  • Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
  • Journal of Global Mass Communication
  • Journal of Media Psychology
  • Journalism Practice
  • Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
  • Journalism Studies
  • Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism
  • Mass Communication and Society
  • Media Psychology
  • Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft
  • New Media & Society
  • Online Media and Global Communication
  • Public Health Nutrition
  • Public Opinion Quarterly
  • Public Understanding of Science
  • Publizistik
  • Science Communication
  • Social Media and Society
  • Studies in Communication Sciences

Reviewer Service: Political Science • Sociology • Psychology

  • Addictive Behaviors
  • American Behavioral Scientist
  • Behavior Research Methods
  • Child Development
  • Computers in Human Behavior
  • European Political Science Review
  • European Union Politics
  • International Journal of E-Politics
  • International Journal of Psychology
  • International Migration Review
  • Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
  • Journal of Peace Research
  • Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
  • Media, War & Conflict
  • Nationalism and Ethnic Politics
  • Nature Climate Change
  • Policy Studies
  • Scandinavian Political Studies
  • Sex Roles
  • Social Influence
  • Social Science Computer Review
  • Sociological Spectrum
  • Sustainability
  • The American Journal of Political Science
  • The Gerontologist
  • The Social Science Journal
  • Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences
  • West European Politics

Reviewer Service: Business • Advertising

  • Academy of Management Review
  • European Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Business Research
  • Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising
  • Journal of Global Marketing
  • Journal of International Consumer Marketing
  • Journal of Marketing Communications
  • Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management  
  • The Journal of Advertising

Reviewer Service: Interdisciplinary Journals

  • Asian Women
  • Drug and Alcohol Review
  • Environmental Communication
  • Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
  • Journal of East Asian Studies
  • Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Poetics
  • Transactions on Engineering Management

Reviewer Service: Grants and Conventions

  • Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
  • German Research Council (DFG)
  • Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR)
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Netherlands Council for the Social Sciences (NWO)
  • Romanian National Research Council (CNCS)
  • Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia (SSF)
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
  • various conventions (ICA, AEJMC, ICORIA, etc.)


  • 2014-2022: Chair of the Department of Communication, University of Vienna
  • 2012-2014 & since 2022: Vice-Chair of the Department of Communication, University of Vienna
  • Since 2012: Elected member of the Executive Board of the Communication Theory and Methodology division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).
  • 2010-2014: Division head of the "Methods division", German Communication Association (DGPuK) 
  • 2010-2013: Head of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) committee "Evaluating the Teaching of Methods in BA and MA programs"
  • Since 2010: Board of Directors, Doctoral School of the NCCR Democracy, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
  • 2005-2010: Division head of the "Methods division", Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research
  • 2008-2010: Member of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) committee "Evaluating the Teaching of Methods in BA and MA programs"
  • 2006-2008: Member of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) committee "Judicial situation of the non-professorial faculty"


  • ICA: International Communication Association
  • WAPOR: World Association for Public Opinion Research
  • AEJMC: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
  • AAA: American Academy of Advertising
  • EAA European Advertising Academy
  • NEPOCS: Network of European Political Communication Scholars
  • European Advertising Academy
  • DGPs: German Society of Psychology
  • DGPuK: German Communication Association
  • ÖGK: Austrian Communication Association
  • WWG: Austrian Advertising Research Association
  • SGKM: Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research